is elbiseleri ihracati

Export items

Production of sectorial work wear and export of accessories for the private and public organizations
Sectorial and Personal Promotional Products

Export of work clothes

With its Business Partner supply company Çavdar Uniform , it manufactures and supplies high-volume Security, Police, Fire Brigade, Police and Soldier Uniforms, as well as public institutions and many private sectors, such as textile products to countries in Europe and the Balkans, and especially Arab countries, with these products. We export related accessories. Its subsidiary, Çavdar Uniform , received a Certificate of Achievement in Contribution to Exports from İHKİB ( Istanbul Ready-to-Wear Clothing and Apparel Exporters' Association) between 2013 and 2020.

Promotional Product Supply

In addition, Sectoral and Personal Promotional Products, Sets, Technological Products, Agenda Notebooks, Pen, Desk Sets, Recycled Products, Protocol Gifts are among the products we supply and export many promotional products.

  • Technological Products
  • Personal Promotional Items
  • Personal Sets
  • Technological Products
  • Agenda Notebooks
  • Pen, Desk Sets
  • Recycled Products
  • Protocol Products and Gifts